AMIT ACADEMY for computer education is a leading Training and Placements Academy in Gandhinagar. We are known for our practical approach towards training that enable students to gain real-time exposure on competitive technologies. Training is offered by Experienced employees to give a real corporate exposure.
Courses Content
1. Web Design Principles
- Basic principles involved in developing a web site
- Planning process
- Golden rules of web designing
- Designing navigation bar
- Page design
- Home Page Layout
- Design Concept.
2. Basics in Web Design
- Brief History of Internet
- What is World Wide Web
- Why create a web site
- Web Standards
- Audience requirement
3. Introduction to HTML
- What is HTML
- HTML Documents
- Basic structure of an HTML document
- Creating an HTML document
- Mark up Tags
- Heading-Paragraphs
- Line Breaks
- HTML Tags
4. Elements of HTML
- Introduction to elements of HTML
- Working with Text
- Working with Lists, Tables and Frames
- Working with Hyperlinks, Images and Multimedia
- Working with Forms and controls.
5. Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
- Concept of CSS
- Creating Style Sheet
- CSS Properties
- CSS Styling(Background, Text Format, Controlling Fonts)
- Working with block elements and objects
- Working with Lists and Tables
- CSS Id and Class
- Box Model(Introduction, Border properties, Padding Properties, Margin properties)
- CSS Advanced(Grouping, Dimension, Display, Positioning, Floating, Align, Pseudo class, Navigation Bar, Image Sprites, Attribute sector)
- CSS Color
- Creating page Layout and Site Designs.
6. Introduction to Web Publishing or Hosting
- Creating the Web Site
- Saving the site
- Working on the web site
- Creating web site structure
- Creating Titles for web pages
- Themes-Publishing web sites.
Short Term Courses
Computer Course Benefits for Students
Student can be a Hardware Professional.
Student can work as a Computer Operator.
Student can provide his service as a Computer Faculty.
Student can start his/her own Computer Centre.
Student can work as a Programming Assistant.
Student can start his own business of Desktop Publishing.
Student can apply in an Office, School, and Institution etc.