Learn Python Programming

Unit-1 Introduction of Python :

History and need of python , Applications , Advantages and disadvantages of python , Programming structure of python , Installing python. Identifiers, keywords, Operators of python.

Unit-2Β Programming skills with Python :

Input – output statement of python, variable declaration with data types, control statement ( Decision making , looping , branching ) implementation in python.

Unit-3 Built In Functions of Python:

Built in general functions, String functions , List functions , Introduction , Creating , Accessing , joining of Tuples. List operations.

Unit-4Β File handling in python:

Introduction of File handling in python, Opening and reading text file, using loop read text file , writing data in the file , reading file in buffer size , writing data in binary file , manipulation of file process using renaming and deleting file.

Unit-5 Google sheet API and Python:

Introduction of Google sheet API , creating Google sheet , Open Google sheet in python ( by name , by URL) , create and delete worksheet using python , edit data in Google sheet using python : get cell value , update cell value , get all values from row , get all values from column , insert new row in Google sheet.

Python List of Experiments:

1. Write a Python program to display ‘Hello World” Message on Screen.
2. Write a Python program to swap two variables
3. Write a Python program to display the Fibonacci series
4. Write a Python program to calculate sum of given number.
5. Write a Python Program to print first prime number.
6. Write a Python Program to check Armstrong Number
7. Write a Python Program to create a sequence of numbers using range data type to display 1 to 30, with
an increment of 2.
8. Write a Python Program to find area of circle.
9. Write a Python program to implement Factorial series up to user entered number.
10. Write a Python program to check the given number is palindrome or not.
11. Write a python program to display ascending and descending order from given 10 numbers.
12. Write a Python program to print the duplicate elements of an array
13. Write Python programs to create functions and use functions in the program.
14. Write Python programs to using lambda function.
15. Write Python programs to load the module in Python code.
16. Write a program to print following pattern
Β  Β 1
Β  Β 1 2
Β  Β 1 2 3
Β  Β 1 2 3 4
Β  Β 1 2 3 4 5
17. Write Python programs to implement a concept of list.
18. Write Python programs to implement a concept of tuples.
19. Write Python program to add your input data into scjpccs.txt file
20. Write a Python program to read data fromscjpccs.txt.
21. Write a Python program for Error Handling.
22. Create interface of Google sheet API using Python for open Google sheet by various method.
23. Create interface of Google sheet API using Python for getting cell value from Google sheet.
24. Create interface of Google sheet API using Python for update cell value into Google sheet.
25. Create interface of Google sheet API using Python for getting cell values from Google sheet column.

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